This blog isn't actually a weather update portal but it pleases me to announce that Kolkata has been blessed with a wild Nor'wester few hours back, easily making it one of the most pleasant evenings of the year. The sky took a strange whiskey-like complexion , something very close to
taalmichhrir sorbot and all of a sudden it started to rain - the sort of welcome thunderstorm in the lap of summer that would inspire the sentimental
Robindro onuraagi to run to the terrace and sing
" Bhenge mor ghorer chaabi
niye jabi ke amarey"
with open arms.
And some people just can't stop bothering about how the Knight Riders are doing. How ridiculuous can it get, I wonder. They will ride to their own graves at the end of the table when the season is over. Not to worry.
how ca anyone think of knight riders when its such a weather outside...
rain finally! but afternoons are still pretty much killing.
new blog. will write regulary. see you there :)
btw in case you b confused, this is me, solo.
# d. g - exactly my point.
# dreamy - :O
# l.g - pikchar be your i.d. :P
loonypages blog toh blocked!
"They will ride to their own graves at the end of the table when the season is over. Not to worry."
and in the meantime we have the Fake IPL Player to ensure that one way or the other, we are entertained! :)
late, but nor' the sorry to comment.
non onuraagi's can sing praises at this one undoubtedly.
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