7000 scraps from my Orkut scrapbook!!!!
Only the other day it read 27,800 something and now its languishing at a measly 20,348 and I don't even know who is to be blamed for the dastardly act.
There was a time, not very long ago, that I used to pride my colossal scrap-count ( Ya, that sounds "childish" but that was a secret fetish of sorts around that time). It used to fill me up with immense joy to see, sometime around mid-2006 I think (early days on orkut, those), my scrap-count booming by 1000, sometimes 2000 every day. I remember having "orkut friends" then - people I never met in real life and perhaps never will. Then one fine morning I felt strange that I had befriended aliens in an anonymous medium and hacked them off my friend list. After half an hour a 530 strong friend-list was reduced to 250 - each one whom I knew in person. I felt curiously relieved after I did that. The reason behind that relief is still a mystery to me for I am not particularly known to be a rabid misanthrope in my circles. After this incident scrapping dwindled and day-long presence on orkut came to occasional visits - the act which the avid orkutian calls "scrap-check" these days. The direct consequence was disinterest but still I never moved onto "greener pastures" i.e Facebook, the true Orkut loyalist that I am. But, now when I see my hard-earned scraps snitched all of a sudden I feel terribly annoyed and offended. After all, 7000 scraps is not a matter of joke! People who don't even have 5000 scraps after being on orkut for the last 3 years would know their true worth, I am sure.
So, Whoever moved my scraps this is the last reminder:
Return what is not yours to keep and it all shall be forgotten.
Or, Brin and Page might just have to step in to look into the matter.
still orkut and my my that is a big number!
True! 7000 scraps is certainly too colossal to be overlooked.. I understand because i AM one of those people who don't even have 5000 scraps after being on orkut for the last 3 years... :)
And stealing someones scraps is like reading someones personal letters and claiming they are yours! Shucks.
All my support for your fight against this scrap stealth...
Kamar kaske...
my 20k scraps used to be a subject of joke for my friends :(
The less-scrap thing is nothing but orkut's counting/wrong display problem.Seriously. I remember at my nascent orkut days, it was once showing 192 fans, when I didnt have so many people in my friendlist itself. Check out a community by the name "orkut can't count" if it still exists.
these are just scraps yaar!
oh.. is stealing someone's scraps possible??? i didnt know that! if tat happen... then u have all the right to be angry
sheesh, orkut hates you though you love it.
i hate it but it seems to love me.
My inbox always shows 50 unread messages even though i actually have none.
For a few months i had 500 fans when actually i could coax only about 10 people to give me stars.
I delete scraps regularly, even after i delete all of them the counter shows 3-4 scraps.
Whatever you do, don't join facebook, its even worse.
errr.mmmmmmmmmmmmm well i have a mere 1 thousand something scraps, so be happy!!! they will be good where ever they are!!:P
# a.d - Yup! That is a gargantuan number! Thanks. :)
# ashen - nahi milne wale. :(
# v.s - who moved your 4000 scraps then ???
# w.s - before this I too thought this was not possible but now I know better. :|
# A.G ( reminds of that song A.G, O.G, loji, sunoji...remember??? :P:D) - Yes yes, we agree on the Facebook point. Its rare to find someone who hates facebook and orkut, both.that way, you are quite a find.
P.S - "Those who can't write blog" -statement is also a case in point. maybe. :)
# namesake - you do have a way of consoling. :)
orkut is fedup with your scraps unncessarily populationg the web space....
in any case, orkut is never an alternative to gtalk, which u thought :P
so be more discriminate in scrapping :P!!!
ei, get a life, delete your orkut account. Very liberating, let me assure you.
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i KNOW...i used to be an orkut fanatic myself!
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