Wednesday, September 17, 2008

How does it feel ..... ????

How does it feel to be a part of a 'Happy Birthday'- party in the middle of the road ?

How does it feel to be cutting a cake in the full knowledge that within a minute the cream-smeared you will be embarrassed to death on the way back home ?

How does it feel to smile and distribute pieces of cake to complete strangers whose names you will never know ?

How does it feel to have a photo session spanning 20 minutes, having 15 grown-up boys and girls covering every awkward pose that was ever conceived to the bemusement of clueless onlookers?

How does it feel to be the 'cause de la célébration' of cultured insanity for an evening just because you happened to be born on this day 22 years back ?


Absolutely Wonderful!!!!

Only that I would have had much more to add to the protagonist's woes had it not been my own birthday today.

Double drat!


FlotsaM said...

protagonist's woes would have worsened had there been another gentleman present. But dont worry be prepared to shed ur expenses coz that gentleman will be arriving soon..
Happy birthdayy

AshenGlow said...

Double Wow!

Belated happy birthday buddy!

P.S: A modest suggestion: Try commenting on other blogs as the Involved Observer... That might trigger the visitors to your 'other' blog :)

AshenGlow said...
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What's In A Name ? said...

# f.s - expenses ???? Forget it!

# ashenglow - thank u
Yes, Yes. good idea.

Will try that.

Macadamia The Nut said...

Belated Happy Birthday!!!!!

Mine was a silly-show this year too
My slipper broke right in the middle of downtown exactly at 11:55

And when my friends burst into the birthday song in the middle of the road I was holding my slippers on one hand, phone in the other and wishing I was elsewhere

What's In A Name ? said...

# mac - :D Thankkkk uuuuu!

and wow! I have another follower I see. :)

I see you shared my woes. Not of the same kind though. Still.....

WritingsForLife said...

aww... happy birthday. Looks like you had a fantastic day :-)

Solitaire said...

Are you sure you are not my cousin who lives in Mumbai. She celebrated her birthday the way you did and her birthday is on the 16th of September!

Solitaire said...

Oh wait you are not! She turned 23. :D

Llama said...

Sounds like fun. Happy budday belated.

Llama said...
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What's In A Name ? said...

# raajii - belated thnx :P

# solitaire - This is not Mumbai, I am sure. :)

And from whatever I gather from you I see that Virgos are having a 'real tough' time .

# P.c - thnk uuuu belated. :D

Anoo. said...

belated happy birthday :)

i hardly blog these days. rarely do i keep a track. sorry for being this late!

Arunima said...

hey me 2 a virgo.......n dey hv dis unique habit if njoying things 2 d fullest. i wonder hw dere is sarcasm in the words "absolutely wonderful"?

What's In A Name ? said...

# anurima - belated thnkx.

Yes, I do look forward to read your poems, but you write so less these days.

# arunima - But Virgins are also fastidious and fussy. :P

Between us. :)