Wednesday, August 27, 2008

"Here's looking at you, kid."

It always feels good to read people's blogs, the nice personal ones, dripping with sense of belonging and attachment, adorably carefree, nonchalant to what the accidental onlooker might think of it and the person behind those thoughts. They just don't care. I especially like the ones which do not indulge in furnishing intimate details from their private lives nor lose their identity in the now highly popular recreation of 'bitching' but exude a debonair charm which I find mighty attractive.

I only wish I could do the same.

But, to open up to the world as if no opinion mattered is like dancing as if no one is watching. And I, for one, cannot dance. I have often had this argument with myself as to why or why not should a blog be personal, a window to the real 'you' unaware of the public perusal and unconcerned of the ensuing interpretations. Every time I have wanted to sit down and write about the world around me, not the world far away in Delhi or Washington where our futures are decided on the basis of might and Machiavellian polity but the one that is in immediate contact with me, I have felt both vacuous and reluctant. And that is why it feels great to read people who discover that iota of magic every now and then in their lives. Not that I envy them to the point that I may gleefully barter their life for mine. Not that I don't always like what I write. May be it's just the quintessential "what if......."- feeling thats lingers with me to see such posts every now and then.

But then, as I often quote these lines by Ogden Nash, who always had something very vital to impress upon his readers through his seemingly humorous and cavalier verses :

" I am just glad as glad can be
That I am not them, that they are not me. "

That is just me.
That is just me.


AshenGlow said...

Dancing in front of the mirror when i know the only pair of eyes looking at me are mine. Thats how even iv liked it.
Then the sways are more carefree... The steps are more genuine... The twirls are more graceful...
Why does the world have to know how i dance when i know i do it the best when im with myself...
But if only.....

Anonymous said...

the sense of delight to do what we want unobserved is really worth fantasising...the best and most genuine performances may eke out at such a time. But so is the human psyche that noone wants to be an unsung hero!

Llama said...

And this ended up being quite a personal post -- maybe not quite nonchalant, but it is you :)

And I love the Ogden Nash verse.

storyteller said...

There is quite a personal touch to your post,beautifully written.

Shaapla said...

Your style is harder to understand. Cause you don't put it all out in the open like those bloggers. Their blog character is more transparent than yours.

P said...

I know what you mean ;)

What's In A Name ? said...

# ashenglow- Right o! Thw world doesn't have to know.

# fs- I would pick up 'fantasizing' and 'unsung hero' from that comment. :P

# p.c - Yesshh yesshhh. It ended up that way. :)

And I quote Frost too, often. :)

# s - dhonnobaad, O maiden visitor.

# shaapla- hard !!??!! It would be 'reclusive' to me. :P naah ??

# priya - its good to know that. :)

Shaapla said...

No no, hard as in, not transparent. You understand?

What's In A Name ? said...

Now I understand.